Yining Feng


08/2019-            The Pennsylvania State University PhD student. Rural Sociology and Demography (Dual-title); 

09/2016-06/2019     Wuhan University (WHU)  M.S. Engineering Management, School of Civil Engineering;  

09/2012-06/2016     Huazhong Agricultural University (HAZU)  B.S. Engineering Management, School of Land Resource Management; 


Yining Feng is a Ph.D. candidate in Rural Sociology and Demography at Pennsylvania State University. Feng has been trained in both quantitative and qualitative methods and theories from a variety of disciplines across social science. Feng’s current focus is migration and social media data for social science. Her dissertation is to explore the mobility and migration triggered by natural disasters, investigate the differentiation of migration responses across the spatial and temporary scale, while at the same time observing the variation along the rural-urban continuum. Also, Feng is interested in the interdisciplinary integration of computational, statistical, and visual analytic approaches to learning from big social data.

