Heather Randell

Heather Randell is a sociologist and demographer with interests in environmental change, sustainable development, and human health and well-being. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology and Demography at Penn State. Prior to joining Penn State, Dr. Randell completed postdoctoral fellowships at the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) and the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health at the University of Maryland. Heather uses quantitative and qualitative methods to understand the how climate change dam construction impact the well-being of marginalized populations. This work is international in scope and has resulted in publications in journals including Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Global Environmental Change, World Development, and Social Science & Medicine. Dr. Randell received a PhD in Sociology from Brown University, a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University, and a BS in Biology from Cornell University.

Twitter: @HeatherFRandell